Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Whereupon I Tell You All The Reasons That You CAN Come Visit Australia

I can't tell you the number of times I've heard expats here in Australia say some variation of the same sentiment ...

"All my friends and family said that they were going to come visit Australia, but none of them actually do."

We also all have tales of people we care about who have declared that they would never come to Australia - not because of the cost, but because the flight is too long.

To those members of our friend/family community, I say to you ... really?

It's about a 14 hour flight from L.A. As one expat once said to me, "I mean, c'mon, what did you do with your last 14 hours?"

If you can handle a 3 hour flight, you can handle a 14 hour flight. You'll take a sleeping pill/shot of whiskey and be out for most of it. Or, you'll catch up on some movies that you never saw because your significant other wasn't interested. You won't lose your mind or your sanity. No, honestly - you won't.

Actually, you'll probably be surprised at how quickly the flight went and wonder what it was that you were so worked up about in the first place.

And for those of you who are stuck on the price: Come in the off-season. Plan ahead, and you're likely to find a flight that's about the cost of a flight to Europe. And, for serious, think of the frequent flyer miles you're going to accrue.

So, c'mon over. Your expat family/friends would be thrilled beyond belief to see you and play tour guide.

Now, I got my mind on this rant in quite a roundabout way. I've actually been meaning for some time to write about the Work and Holiday Visa program, which I think is about the most awesome way for people between 18 and 30 to get a vacation in Australia. I am constantly trying to get one of the Under 30s I know and love to take this option and come over for an extended vacation.

Basically, U.S. citizens (and other countries as well) within the age range are eligible to come to Oz for up to a year and work temporary jobs in order to make money while they're here. It's a very common program, and with the great employment rate in Australia right now, there seems to be a pretty good supply of jobs available. We meet Work and Holiday visa "kids" from different countries all the time - it's a quite well known and common thing here.

I suppose that I bring this up as just another reminder for all of my buddies at home who I have been pestering about visiting me. Don't have a job in the U.S. because the job market is a mess? Lots of jobs here! ... Also, there's no shortage of surfing, snorkeling, kayaking, barbecuing, bars, kangaroos, koalas, and good looking people in bathing suits. You'll come home with enough stories to eat out on for years to come.

So, that's settled.
See you all in Australia soon!


  1. Oh my word, if my mother, who has flown 3 times in her ENTIRE LIFE and always with someone else who has also handled all of the travel plans and always domestically, can fly to New Zealand (slightly longer than flying to Oz) all by her lonesome, then anyone can fly to Australia. And if Qantas is anything like Air NZ, then they're constantly giving you glasses of wine and you basically just drink and sleep. It's like a party!

    I've recommended that all of my friends/family sign up with and to get fare alerts. So easy!

  2. Thanks, Jenny! Even more evidence for the travel-shy for whom this post is dedicated. :-)

  3. While I don't know you personally ... I'm quite sure you've convinced me to come! I've been thinking of August for quite some time and have a friend over there to welcome me! And she's done the exact same as you here ... with the working and living and what not!

    I needed this post! Thanks!!

  4. Great, Mandy!! Your friend will be so psyched to have a visitor and you'll have the time of your life!

    I'm not here on a Work and Holiday visa (I'm afraid I've aged out of it - thank goodness for a husband with residency to "get me in"), but I think it's such a great program and I wish I'd know about it when I was a free-wheelin' 20-something!

    Glad the post gave you a push. Check Jenny's comment above about great sites for travel deals.

  5. Those are some fantastic and helpful sites!

    I'm wondering if it would be okay that I email you? I have a couple of questions about Australia and need an American opinion! My friend has lived in Australia her entire life and well, all this is normal to her - and clearly not for me!

    Take care,

  6. Hi Mandy - Of course, I'd be happy to answer questions as best I can. My email for this blog is
