Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Middle Head and a New Toy

Partner-in-Crime and I have planned a grand road trip later this week, so in advance of being surrounded by resplendent scenery for days, I saved up and bought a nice camera.

The other night, we took a hike out to Middle Head where I got to practice with my fancy new toy.

We timed our walk well We procrastinated all day, so ended up there right at sunset. Generously, a cruise ship decided to wander by as we were enjoying the view.

A few photographic experiments from our hike, as I get to know my new camera ...


  1. Those photos are fantastic! Hope you have a blast with your new camera!

  2. Loving it babe!! We will have to compare GOR photos when we get back!

  3. Thanks, Mandy!

    Mimi - Yes! And, weather is supposed to be great for the whole break! Have a great trip. See you when we get back from the exact same place. ;-)

  4. Wow! What sort of toy is this (brand, make, model)? It makes me want to upgrade.

  5. It's an Olympus Pen EPL-1. The newer version came out recently, but the salesman advised that there's not much difference between the two, so this older edition is a good deal right now. I am loving it (can't wait to share some of the millions of photos I took on our Easter weekend roadtrip!).

  6. Those pics are gorgeous. You are leading a pretty awesome life.

  7. Love these shots, especially the cruise ship with the moon in the background. Beautiful.
