Wednesday, July 13, 2011

An Open Letter to My Old Friend, Netflix

Dear Netflix,

I knew something was awry when I got up this morning, and my Facebook stream was full of ...


and ...


and ...


Oh, Netflix. We're old friends from way back, so I feel that I can be honest and tell you - you've really stepped in it. You can't mess with Americans, what with their cheap-as-dirt-everything and competitive market. They. Will. Not. Stand. For. It. It is clear that you could really use a friend right now. And, you may recall from elementary school...

(I Googled that picture just for you, Netflix)

I am writing this letter, Netflix-friend, because I want you to know that I am here for you. I'm here for you like Carole King - "When you're down and troubled/and you need a helping hand/ and nothing. Whoa, Netflix. Nothing is going right ... " If it comes to pass, as MSNBC is reporting, that "thousands" of your so-called friends are going to forsake you - just call my name out loud. 

I have a solution that is going to brighten up even your darkest night.

In your time of need, Netflix, can you help me help you? All you have to do, to re-ignite our eternal flame of friendship, is open up shop here in Australia. Please, pal, let's go back to the good old days. Remember how much fun we used to have when I could stream unlimited numbers of your Cerebral Comedies and find in my mailbox Critically Acclaimed Romantic Dramas Based on Literature? You just don't know how good you have it until it's over. Sigh.

But, if you can meet me here, never more loyal a friend will you find. And, because everything is so much more expensive Down Under, I know you're going to charge me more than in the U.S. I don't even mind. I'm used to it. You're charging the U.S. $16 now? Ungrateful wretches ... I'll give you, say, $22. $22 high-flying Aussie dollars, at that. How does that sound? Pretty sweet, eh?

Winter, spring, summer, or fall, Netflix.
All you've got to do is call.

You've got a friend.

(I Googled these Friend Flowers for you, too, Netflix. Big hugs, buddy!)


  1. This is so funny. I feel the same. I'm not worried about the price hike, I think it makes sense. Also, we canceled cable because Netflix is so good, that's at lest $60 a month we're not spending. And streaming is just getting better and better!

  2. Seriously! Netflix is the best. And when I saw people moaning about $16, I thought ... whoa people - that is what a sandwich costs here. I can't even buy one movie ticket for that price. I get that it's a big price hike, but man, I'll be throwing a party the day they come to Australia. Don't tell Netflix, but I'd pay $25. Maybe even $30.
