Coffee Revelation!
Most days, I make my morning coffee at home in the French press, and I'm always looking for tricks to make it better, as it just doesn't have that je ne sais quoi of cafe coffees. My latest gamble: maple syrup instead of sugar. Amazing. It sort of smooths the bitter edge off and brings out all the pleasant flavors. Thank goodness for Costco maple syrup.
Speaking of breakfast...
Over the past few months, I've been lucky enough to make friends with the loveliest group of moms/mums in my building, all who have kids within a few months of Hushpuppy's age. We try to get together most weeks, and lately we've been doing breakfast dates. We do have a cool cafe just across from us, but the last couple of times, we've made our way over to Sprout Wholefood, a bit further away. The menu is all healthy and absolutely delicious, but the best part is that they have a fenced-in backyard with a playhouse and some toys for the kids. So, while we get going on our first coffees, the kiddos are safe playing in the yard. Then, we can pop them into one of the many high chairs they have available and give them a healthy breakfast, as we enjoy ours. Win, win.
Not sure if my friends want their kids' pictures on the Internet, and the only photos I've snapped at Sprout have them in, so I'm borrowing this one from Little Eats until I can get one of my own. If you go over to the review this is from, you'll see that I'm not alone in thinking this place is a gem. |
This is very not new information to, well, probably anyone, but it's been swirling around my eardrums today. We're hosting an Australian themed party on the weekend to celebrate Partner-in-Crime's new citizenship, and I've put myself in charge of the playlist. The first song I added was Nick Cave's "The Ship Song," and I suggested to P-i-C that maybe we could just listen to it on repeat for three or four hours at the party.
I might have just been out of the loop, but I'd never heard this song before I moved to Australia. It is one of the most beautiful love songs - about real life, adult love - that I've ever heard. It's a stunner.
And, because one listen is certainly not enough ... I'm sure I've posted this before, but it's always worth another look - The Sydney Opera House's "The Ship Song Project." The best thing about Sydney I've ever seen. I've been so fortunate to see a lot of the incredible artists featured perform at the Opera House and elsewhere, and that final view of the Harbour is one that brings me back to how lucky I am every time I feel like I want to break up with Sydney. Swoon worthy.
I've been making a concerted effort to read everyday, lately. It's been ages since I've had or made the time to get through so many books, and I'm thrilled to be back in the habit. My favorite thing that I've read recently was the marvelous, charming The Rosie Project. It's screwball romantic comedy with the complication arising from the main character's unconventional behaviour that we suspect comes from his undiagnosed Asperger's syndrome. His literal and linear way of seeing the world gets him into a lot of hijinks, but it's not a book about laughing at this character and his quirks. Rather, I felt that I came away with a much deeper appreciation for how the mind of someone on the autism spectrum may view the world. It's definitely not wrong, just fundamentally different from those of us not on the spectrum. It's an easy read, and certainly a romantic comedy, but I took quite a lot away from it, plus it was supremely entertaining.
The To-Do List
Thanks to Jackie from Granite House on the Hill, she, Hushpuppy, Sydney Smiles and I got to spend Sunday morning at the Aquarium, a Sydney must-do item that I'd never checked off my list. It was a great experience, and it was amazing to see all the sea life - sharks, rays, exotic looking fish, sea horses, massive crustaceans, penguins, and so on. Hushpuppy was a trouper as I pushed her around in her pram, so when we got to the first of several hallways that are covered in an aquarium arch, like an aquatic dreamland, I decided to let her out to explore. Oh, my wild one was off like a bolt, taking on the role of tiny tour guide, leading us from one room to the next, waving her arms and shrieking the whole way - and occasionally stopping to look at fish. There's nothing I love more than seeing my kid filled with joy, and this trip decidedly achieved that end. Thanks, Jackie!!
Also in the not-exactly-new category, this Louis CK interview where he explains why he hates cell phones popped up again in my news feed recently. It's so-so good. Pretty much like everything Louis CK does.
I love playing Oprah. Who doesn't? Sure, it's a little narcissistic, but all of these things are bringing me joy, at the moment, and maybe one of them will strike a chord with you, as well, and then - boom - a little more joy in the world. Boom. The world can always do with a little more joy.
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