Monday, November 29, 2010

Things Are Looking Up

I started to wonder where in the world I was going to find inspiration to write more posts this month. I have no more trips to talk about, no more holidays, and I can't get married again... The other day, I decided to change perspective, and took a collection of photos of the things I saw above me, as I went on my daily walk to the grocery store. Especially with spring in full glory, there was plenty to see when I lifted my head from the ground or straight ahead. No double rainbows, UFOs, or luckdragons ... just a few normal sights that I took the time to pay attention to for the first time.

  Love this art deco building.

The brilliant purple jacaranda trees have been one of the most striking sights around town this November.

I think the color contrast between the flame tree and the jacaranda is about the most stylish combination nature can arrange.

Pretty sure this is a ginko tree. We've actually had to stop a few times to soak in the drama of this one.

Somebody who knows something about trees tell me what this one is, please? Maybe some sort of fig tree? The way that the thick branches meander creates such a striking keyhole effect.

Palm tree, looking a bit like the barefooted beach bum who wanders into a sophisticated garden party. Wonder how he feels in and amongst these fancy city trees.

Some variety of gum tree. Don't be alarmed, the peeling bark looks disturbing, but it is normal.

Apartment building overhang. It's a little crazy, but the lines make me think of one of those ladies who sells "cigars, cigarettes, cigars, cigarettes"  out of boxes around their necks in old movies.

Architectural detail on an apartment building. No weird mental references on this one. I just like it.

People. People who need people ...

Don't walk.

What do you see when you look up?

"And when it rains on your parade, look up, rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." -G.K. Chesterton


  1. THANK YOU! So funny because I've been hearing "frangipani" all over the place lately and I had no idea what it actually was - kept meaning to look it up. You've solved two mysteries in one!
