For serious, in the last couple of days, Sydney has turned into a steam bath of mind-numbing proportions.
Outside = evil.
However, I realize that someone complaining about the weather in a place where you are not is sort of like listening to someone tell you about their rambling dream filled with random relatives and exes you've never met ... So, I'll spare you the gasping, panting, sweaty details and move onto other Summer related news.
We got our little Christmas tree.

This is all the more special because it is the first Christmas Partner-in-Crime will actually be spending together, so everything we do is a new tradition.
I posted the photo of our tree on Facebook, and one of my oh-so-clever American friends asked if the tree should be upside down, since we're in Australia. Har-dee-har and all that, but it did bring to mind an old co-worker who hosted an annual holiday open house. He was very, very into the Christmas spirit, and amongst his several trees was one that actually did hang upside down.

According to co-worker, it was an old Southern tradition; but I can't recall or locate the details. In any case, the upside down tree was always a show-stopper. I wouldn't mind having my own upside down tree and blaming it on Coriolis Effect!
Moving into Grinch-land, I can report that a number of those cute downtown holiday banners I mentioned have been replaced with banners of Oprah. I was going to take a picture to prove it to you, but then I decided that I didn't want anyone to confuse my photo taking for excitement, so I turned my head and kept on my path without another glance at Oprah's smug face. We maintain our tenuous truce, but it gets shakier daily.
Speaking of crazy famous people ... Julian Assange ... what in the world are we supposed to think about this guy? I really can't form much of an opinion, but he sure enough is all kinds of Australian, which is more than enough grounds for me to post this Daily Show video which is hilarious, whether you like/dislike/or wish never to hear of Wikileaks again:
Julian Assange: To Catch a Somewhat Pasty Predator - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 12/08/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
- Watch more Dailyshowcolbert Videos at Vodpod.
Finally, back in my life, I am progressing along on the job-hunt. I had to go in for a physical exam for a position with a large company. I've definitely had to do these corporate physicals before, but what a difference between the U.S. and here. Every exam I ever took in the U.S. was all about gruff PAs and total secrecy. You practically had to sign a waiver saying that you would not even think about asking someone how your results came out. Here, they were so friendly, and walked me through every step of the process. I am quite happy to report that I have excellent hearing and very clean inner ears. Mom, you can be proud!
It's looking likely that I'll be offered this job. It is a half-time endeavour, which will be perfect because I'm crafting a new creative project that may just keep me connected to my field, but on my own terms. I am always jealous of people who have an entrepreneurial mind, and can constantly think of original new ideas; but I do believe that I've finally come up with one of my own. It won't make me a penny, but it has a ton of potential to, at very least, make me feel like I did not waste tens of thousands of dollars in grad school. More to come when I'm ready to tell you bums more (I kid, I kid!).
Until next time, enjoy your cold/hot weather and your right side up/upside down/non-existent Christmas tree. Whatever your circumstances, be sure to credit Coriolis Effect.
Oh sweet! Sounds like good news in the job department! If you do get it, your contract probably says minimum of 20 hours? I've never gotten less than 25, and it's usually more like 30, and training was 35 hours a week. So it isn't as part time as I thought it was going to be!
ReplyDeleteYes, no offer, yet - they're still checking references, etc., but they seem to like me. :-) Training is supposed to start mid-January. I'll definitely be ready to work!