Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Vampire Diaries

It is 6:30a.m., and I have been up since 4. That's cool, though, because I went to bed at 6p.m. last night.

I consider this a marked improvement and, frankly, a victory because yesterday, I woke up for the day at 3a.m., after only 4 hours of sleep in nearly two days.

Partner-in-Crime has renamed me Little Vampire.

This is the wonder that is jet lag.

Otherwise, I am quite thrilled to be home in the States for a couple of weeks. Yesterday, I ate both an American hamburger and a BLT with real bacon. My eating habits will improve, henceforth. I also made my first trip to Wal Mart, where I nearly fainted from reverse sticker shock. It was like everything was practically free, compared to what I've grown accustomed to in Sydney. I could have wept over the 52cent/pound bananas. I wanted to shout at all the oblivious banana-buying customers, "do you KNOW how LUCKY you are?!?" I haven't had a banana in nearly a year! (For the non-Australians ... banana prices skyrocketed last year after the Queensland floods to about $13 a kilo. The last banana I bought cost $2).

Not wanting to sounds like that toolbag we all know who went over to England to take a summer course their junior year, and returned channeling post-Guy Ritchie Madonna, saying that they "ride in the lift," and "talk on their mobile," I have been working diligently to re-alter the handful of words that have shifted in my vocabulary.

-Shopping trolley goes back to shopping cart.
-People are greeted with "how are you doing," not "how are you going?"
-Coriander is cilantro and capsicum are peppers.
-I call people, instead of ringing them.
-I will get to that right away, not straightaway.

At the airport, I stopped for some food, and I very nearly forgot to tip the waitress. Yikes.
And, wow, the Australians are right. Our drink sizes are massive! How are we such a thirsty people, America?

More notes from the 4a.m. front as they unfold over the next weeks. The sun is rising, and I am hopping off to have a banana smoothie and giant cup of coffee with half-and-half for breakfast. Good morning, America.


  1. Bit late in commenting, but this post made me laugh! We are going to the States for an extended visit in a few weeks and I'm already worried that I'll end up with 6 suitcases' worth of goods that I want to bring back to NZ, ha ha!

  2. I'm glad you got your banana. How long are you stateside?

  3. We were just back in the States in July and yes, the prices there are ridiculously cheap after Sydney! We felt like kings.

    I laughed out loud at your comment about people going to the UK for a summer -- so true.
