Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaBloPoMo and a Self Portrait

The arrival of November entered my consciousness late this afternoon. It being the first of November means that I have to finally come to a decision about participating in (Inter)National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). I completed NaBloPoMo last year, and it was a stellar experience. I worked on my writing skills and got to connect with some new bloggers.

I was sure I was going to do it again, but then I took on this other multi-day project. I still have 28 days left of play reading. Doing that and writing a substantive blog post everyday is just too ambitious for me.

But, the desire to hop in the sandbox for a play remains strong. So, I'm going to give it a go with a 30 day photo challenge. I liked this challenge because it seems aimed at building a photographic eye. It will give me the chance to mess around with my fancy newish camera, reconnect to the joy of blogging, and hopefully show you all some images of my daily life in Sydney. 

I'll still post regular posts throughout the month, as well. I have a lot to catch up on, including a glorious trip to Tasmania.

So, on to the first prompt: self portrait. That truly is a challenge to start out with. 

A camera in the mirror shot is too boring, and has nothing to do with the theme of this blog. Good news. Today is Melbourne Cup (again), and the city is full of folks dressed up like they were from Boardwalk Empire. What better excuse to parade around the house in my vintage-inspired wedding veil? That is thematic, but not nearly festive enough: I knew the perfect accessory ... a feather boa (ladies wear gay pride feather boas to horse races, yes?). In the same box, I conveniently found a parasol that was nixed from my wedding pictures due to the rain. 

Set the camera on "Pop Art" mode and now we're getting to a self-portrait! I'm only missing the champers (American translation: champagne) for perfectly smashing Melbourne Cup ensem.

If only I'd thought to wear this to work this morning.